3 tips for beating seasonal allergies

The phone might not be the first thing you reach for when your seasonal allergies trigger miserable symptoms, but perhaps it should be!

Having your furnace ducts and filter professionally cleaned each year can dramatically reduce the amount of allergens circulating in your home’s air. 

Here are three tips for making sure your home is a “safe refuge” from seasonal allergies.

1. Clean your furnace ducts and filter once a year

Calling in a reputable company like Aero Services to clean your furnace ducts and filter each year is probably the easiest “fix” there is to make sure your home’s indoor air quality is as healthy as it can be. The cleaner air will also help with sleep quality, and overall well-being. The best part is an annual furnace filter and duct cleaning only has to be done once a year. As a result, you can rest— and breathe— easy.

2. Keep windows and doors (mostly) closed

As the days of spring start to get warmer, it’s tempting to throw open the doors and windows to get some “fresh air” into the house. But along with the “fresh” air comes pollen, spores, and other irritants that can trigger seasonal allergies. 

Many people are surprised by how quickly the air inside their home can begin to degrade and trigger seasonal allergies as much as a walk through the woods. But it’s really no surprise. After all, if you invite large quantities of unfiltered air into your home, everything blowing around outside can end up blowing around inside, too.

Keeping your doors and windows closed, especially during “peak pollen” times of day, is an easy way to prevent the bulk of airborne irritants from entering your home. In addition, having your ducts and furnace filter professionally cleaned each year by Aero Services means that the indoor air circulating through the system is cleaner, too. 

3. Time your outings wisely

Most seasonal allergy sufferers notice that certain times of day can be worse than others when it comes to air quality and pollen counts. Timing is everything, and you may want to plan accordingly. 

Early mornings are the worst for pollen counts, with peak air quality problems occurring between 5am and 10am daily. However, air quality is poorest on warm, dry, windy days, as this keeps pollen afloat and circulating at all times of day. However, moist and humid days can put more mold spores into the air, which is an issue for those types of sensitivities. 

But if you really want to time your outings perfectly, go out right after a rainstorm. It’s true what they say about rain “knocking all of the pollen and dust out of the air,” and it’s a pretty safe bet that if the roads and grass are wet, your allergies will at least be temporarily kept at bay.

If the air quality outside is prohibiting your enjoyment of the day, then it’s even more important to keep the air quality indoors as healthy as it can be. You can control the quality of the air inside your home by keeping doors and windows closed, but the most important thing you can do to improve the air quality inside your home is to have your furnace ducts and filter cleaned annually. A friendly Aero Services technician can visit each year to ensure you can breathe easy in your own home.